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    Movement and Learning are equivalent to Jean BlaydesMadigan. If you haven't been to her website, you are in for a treat.

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    Just go to Action Based Learning for an outstanding resource.She does workshops and teacher training. Her website is full of excellent resources. I have her book "Thinking on Your Feet". She is the heart and soul of getting students to move in the classroom.

    When she came to NapervilleCentral High School a few years back, she changed our world. She introduced us to Brain Breaks.

    Jean blaydes madigan books a million

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  • Jean blaydes madigan books a million little things
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  • Jean blaydes madigan books a million dollar
  • Since then, we have really taken off on the idea of taking Brain Breaks in the classroom. They serve a few excellent purposes. First, they get the students out of their seats. Second, they usually get the students to cross the mid-line of their body which helps both sides of their brain to engage.

    Jean blaydes madigan books a million dreams

    Thirdly, they are fun challenges which students usually are smiling and laughing with. This is a an excellent thing to happen in your classroom. Unbelievably, student settle down very fast after a