Kim eng born

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    Kim Eng is both romantic (wife) and professional partner to best selling author Eckhart Tolle. Not only has she helped to bring Tolle’s spiritual message to wider audience, she is also a teacher in her own right.

    Below you can learn more about Kim Eng, her teachings and her life journey.

    Kim Eng was born in Vancouver, Canada and first began her journey of spiritual discovery during the early 1980’s. However, the pivotal moment in her life occurred in 1998 when she attended one of Eckhart Tolle’s spiritual retreats.

    Kim eng born

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  • Eckhart tolle daughter
  • Eckhart tolle kim eng wedding
  • It was during this retreat that she would meet her future life partner, as well experiencing an intense spiritual transformation that would lead her to become a healer and a teacher.

    Kim Eng’s Teachings

    While many aspects of Kim Eng’s and Eckhart Tolle’s teachers are similar, she still retains her own unique style of teaching and spiritual message.

    Her primary teaching vehicle is her “Presence through Movement” workshop which she leads. During these workshops she tea