Denby dung biography of william

  • Denby dung biography of william
  • Denby dung biography of william

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    THE new Miss Hawaii, Denby Dung, has a marvelously alliterative name as does her sister, Miss Honolulu Dana-Li Dung. I guess with a name like mine, alliteration is a configuration devoutly to be wished.

    (There's even a local DJ who calls himself Davy D. Since I haven't been called Davy since I was about seven, I decided not to bring charges.) Bob Jones, who writes for MidWeek, is married to Denby Fawcett of KITV, a woman who chose to hold on to her maiden name rather than become "Denby Jones." When the two were covering the war in Vietnam, Jones was already nuts about Denby, but had to put up with the Saigon press corps, which was trying to link her with journalist David Denby (now with the New Yorker) so she could become "Denby Denby." Others pushed for a relationship with N.Y.

    Timesman Jonathan Fenby, so she could become "Denby Fenby." They weren't even aware of local Dr. Stephen Tenby. But Jones won her heart, and while she opted not to be just another "Jones,"