Tito gaona biography
Tito gaona flying trapeze academy.
Tito Gaona and Family
Sarasota in Sarasota County, Florida — The American South (South Atlantic)
Circus Ring of Fame
Photographed by Brandon D Cross, February 27, 2020
Tito gaona biography
Tito Gaona and Family Marker
Tito Gaona and Family. Circus Ring of Fame. , , In his execution of the triple somersault on the flying trapeze, he has few peers.
Tito gaona biography wikipedia
His charismatic style, grace and beauty being compared to that of the legendary Alfredo Codona. With his father, Victor, as catcher, Tito, his sister Chela, and brother, Armando, formed the “Flying Gaonas” on the Beatty-Cole Circus in 1963.
With few changes, the act has performed without interruption ever since, thrilling audiences worldwide for more than 30 years. Among many honors, in 1978 the Gaonas was selected as the first flying act ever to receive the prestigious Golden Clown Award as top performers at Monte Carlo’s International Circus Festival.